Losing The Hard Way

{January 12, 2012}   Just another day

I have a Zumba date, Saturday, with a friend.  Actually I’ve never met her yet, but I answered her add on Craigs list a month ago about wanting a workout/accountability partner for this weightloss mission we both are on and we’ve encouraged each other the last several weeks.  So, I meet her Saturday and introduce her to my most favorite form of exercise, I hope she loves it!

Today was a bit better though I didn’t Zumba tonight either.  Mostly because we got snow but I’m not sure I’d have gone anyway.  I hate myself less though, which is always a good sign.  I’m pulling out of this funk.

I hope tomorrow to take my dog and my kid on a long walk…or something.  I hope so at least.  Depends on how the snow holds out.  I’d love to go sleigh riding too.  We shall see.

I’m going to work harder on my prayer life.  I got some great ideas from Beth Moore today, and hope to implement them in the next few days. 

I’m still working on one word for 2012…There are so many good ones. 

Till tomorrow…

et cetera